Sunday 25 December 2011

Giảm thuế lợi tức nhờ mua nhà

Giảm thuế lợi tức nhờ mua nhà
Thursday, December 22, 2011 2:08:33 PM

Ngô Ðồng

Nếu hỏi trên đời này có cái gì làm cho người Mỹ thích nhất, tôi tin rằng khỏi phải đóng thuế. Sưu cao thuế nặng ở đây chỉ trốn thoát sau khi người ta nhắm mắt lìa đời.

Còn ít ngày nữa là sang năm mới, mọi người sẽ nhận được tấm W-2 rồi lục tục khai thuế lợi tức. Hạn chót là 15 tháng 4 như thường lệ.

Ðối với những người mua nhà lần đầu, người ta cũng hình dung ra những lợi ích về thuế nhờ làm chủ căn nhà. Nhờ nó mà được giảm thuế nhưng có thể có những thứ tốn kém người ta không nắm vững nên bỏ qua, mất cơ hội lấy lại thêm một ít tiền thuế lợi tức đã đóng cho chính phủ.

Không phải chỉ có tiền lời trả cho ngân hàng hay nhà tài trợ cho món tiền vay mua nhà là được dùng để chống lại thuế. Nhiều thứ khác liên quan đến vụ vay nợ và cũng được coi như tiền lời để người mua nhà cộng chung vào với tiền lời khi làm hồ sơ thuế lợi tức.

Ðiểm (Points)

Ðiểm (Points) là khoản tiền mà người mua trả cho ngân hàng hoặc công ty tài trợ cũng được khai ra để chống lại thuế lợi tức nếu phí tổn này được dùng để giảm mức tiền lời (interest). Mỗi một điểm là 1% của số tiền vay nợ.

Thí dụ, vay số tiền $300,000 thì 1 điểm là $3,000.

Lãi suất trên thị trường là 4%, nếu người mua nhà muốn lãi suất là 3.5% hầu số tiền trả nợ hàng tháng thấp hơn, nhà tài trợ đòi người xin vay nợ trả trước một số điểm (thật tình cũng là tiền lời trả trước). Số tiền này được cộng vào với tiền lời (mortgage interest) để khai thuế.

Thông thường, không mấy ai trả trước loại tiền này trừ phi dự tính ở rất lâu dài trong căn nhà mình mua. Lấy lại số tiền này đòi hỏi thời gian nhiều năm.

Ðể biết đích xác số tiền trả “điểm” có nên hay không, cần phải làm 2 con tính, một với lãi suất bình thường và một với lãi suất giảm xuống nhờ trả trước “điểm.” Lấy số tiền trả cho “điểm” chia cho số tiền sai biệt giữa hai mức trả nợ này sẽ ra số tháng phải ở trên căn nhà mà lấy lại tiền trả “điểm” khi mua.

Nên nhớ là lệ phí vay nợ, tiếng Mỹ gọi là “origination fee” tức là một thứ tiền dịch vụ mà công ty tài trợ hay ngân hàng đòi để cho vay tiền, sẽ không được liệt kê trên hồ sô thuế để giảm thuế.

Thêm nữa, nếu “điểm” được trả khi người chủ nhà tái tài trợ lại món nợ của căn nhà, số tiền này không được trừ hết luôn một lần vào năm sau khai thuế, mà phải chia đều ra làm 30 năm hay 15 năm tùy chương trình vay nợ. Trường hợp bán nhà trước thời hạn 15 năm hay 30 năm, chủ nhà có thể liệt kê phần tiền “điểm” chưa trừ hết ở kỳ khai thuế vào năm bán nhà (hoặc vào năm làm tái tài trợ món nợ thêm lần khác).

Tiền lời kể từ ngày được chấp thuận cho vay (Pro-rated Mortgage Interest)

Khi mua nhà, tùy vào lúc nào trong tháng mà thủ tục giấy tờ hoàn tất và nhận nhà để dọn vào, người mua nhà phải trả số tiền lời cho nhà tài trợ từ khi họ chấp thuận cho vay số tiền này. Số tiền này có thể không nhìn thấy trên tờ giấy báo cuối năm mà nhà tài trợ hay ngân hàng gửi cho con nợ để khai thuế, nó nằm trên bản kết toán mua bán nhà (Real Estate Settlement Statement). Nhiều người rất hay quên khoản này.

Tiền thuế bất động sản trả trước (Pro-rated Real Estate Tax)

Tương tự như vậy, trên bản kết toán mua bán nhà cũng có khoản tiền thuế bất động sản mà người mua phải chia với chủ nhà. Cũng vì người ta chỉ cầm tờ giấy báo số tiền lời đã trả của ngân hàng hay công ty tài trợ để khai thuế, không mở hồ sơ hợp đồng mua nhà ra xem để khai thuế nên số tiền này cũng dễ bị sót.

Tiền lời vay xây nhà

Với những người vay tiền để cất nhà mới thì tiền lời trả cho ngân hàng đương nhiên được khai ra để trừ thuế (Construction Loan Interest) tuy nhiên thời gian xây cất không được kéo dài quá hai năm trước khi quý vị gọi đây là nhà ở chính (principal residence).

Tiền phạt trả dứt nợ sớm

Ðối với một số chương trình tài trợ mà nhà tài trợ đặt điều kiện trong bản hợp đồng là nếu con nợ trả dứt món nợ trước khi đáo hạn, con nợ sẽ phải chịu một số tiền phạt. Số tiền này có thể tương ứng với một số tháng tiền lời. Số tiền phạt, nếu quý vị phải trả, cũng được khai ra để trừ thuế lợi tức.

Tiền bảo hiểm món nợ

Nếu quý vị vay tiền vào các năm 2007, 2008 hay 2009 mà quý vị lại vay qua Tổng Cục Gia Cư FHA (Federal Housing Agency), Cục Cựu Quân Nhân VA (Veterans Administration) hay Tổng Cục Gia Cư Nông Thôn (Rural Housing Agency), quý vị có thể liệt kê số tiền trả bảo hiểm món nợ (private mortgage insurance) trên hồ sơ khai thuế để giảm thuế như được định nghĩa trong Mục 2 của đạo luật 'Home Protection Act of 1998' bắt đầu có hiệu lực từ ngày 20 tháng 12, 2006.

Giảm thuế nhờ tiền lời trả cho ngân hàng hay công ty tài trợ

Ðại đa số người thọ thuế đều không hội đủ điều kiện để khai Phụ Bản A (Schedule A) kèm theo bản khai thuế lợi tức chính Form 1040 nếu không nhờ có số tiền lời trả cho ngân hàng hay công ty tài trợ khi mua nhà.

Nếu không có khoản chước giảm này giúp chống lại thuế lợi tức một cách hiệu quả, rất có thể rất nhiều người không tính tới chuyện mua nhà. Khi mua nhà, ngoài chuyện làm chủ ngôi nhà mình ở với gia đình, mỗi năm giảm được hàng ngàn đô la tiền thuế. Ðây là lợi ích thiết thực đã kích thích người ta mua nhà nên bất cứ các kế hoạch cải cách thuế vụ nào đòi bãi bỏ khai tiền lời mua nhà đều bị tổ chức Hiệp Hội Ðịa Ốc Hoa Kỳ với hơn một triệu hội viên vận động chống đối kịch liệt. Ðụng đến khoản này coi như đụng đến nồi cơm của họ.

Tiền lời mua nhà, theo luật lệ hiện hành, người thọ thuế được liệt kê trên hồ sơ thuế lợi tức lên đến $1 triệu đô la chừng nào người ta vay tiền từ một nhà tài trợ để mua, tái tài trợ, xây dựng căn nhà để ở và dùng căn nhà này bảo đảm cho món nợ.

Người viết bài viết này không phải là chuyên viên thuế vụ và cũng không phải luật sư về thuế mà chỉ căn cứ trên các tài liệu và kiến thức tổng quát để trình bày vấn đề có tính cách chung. Vị nào có nhu cầu sâu hơn, nên tới các chuyên viên thuế vụ (CPA) và các luật sư để nhờ tư vấn.

Nguoi-Viet Online

Saturday 17 December 2011

Bảo hiểm nhà của hãng nào cũng giống nhau?

(VienDongDaily.Com - 15/12/2011)
Theo giới chuyên viên nếu không cẩn thận, người chủ nhà có thể trả bảo phí cao hơn mà lại được bồi thường ít hơn. Nó cũng chẳng khác gì thị trường bảo hiểm xe hơi.
Vũ Đức Hiền/Viễn Đông

Mua bảo hiểm cho căn nhà của các hãng bảo hiểm đều chẳng có gì khác nhau để phải mất thời giờ lựa chọn? Vì họ phải cạnh tranh nhau, bảo phí tương tự nhau và bồi thường cũng như nhau, phải không?
Đó là lập luận bình thường cũng không ít chủ nhà để che giấu sự làm biếng thay đổi hay khảo giá, đặt các câu hỏi cần thiết hầu đem lại lợi ích thiết thực cho mình. Theo giới chuyên viên nếu không cẩn thận, người chủ nhà có thể trả bảo phí cao hơn mà lại được bồi thường ít hơn. Nó cũng chẳng khác gì thị trường bảo hiểm xe hơi. Nếu không khéo khảo giá, lựa chọn hãng bảo hiểm và chương trình bảo hiểm, thiệt thòi về phần mình cũng dễ xảy đến.
Theo một cuộc nghiên cứu về thị trường bảo hiểm nhà được một đại học Luật ở Chicago công bố gần đây, bản hợp đồng bảo hiểm nhà của các hãng bảo hiểm khác nhau đã bồi thường cho chủ nhà hoàn toàn khác nhau về số tiền. Dữ kiện nêu ra từ cuộc nghiên cứu cho thấy những khác biệt trong các bản hợp đồng đã không được các người chủ nhà hiểu biết rành rẽ.
Sự hiểu lần căn bản, có thể đến từ điều hiểu biết chính yếu là các hợp đồng bảo hiểm đều dựa trên hợp đồng căn bản do một tổ chức dịch vụ bảo hiểm soạn thảo chung. Nhưng chi tiết khi đến từng hãng bảo hiểm soạn thảo và ấn định lại theo nhu cầu và chính sách của riêng mình thì lại đề ra các mức độ bảo phí, mức độ bồi thường, loại bồi thường, điều kiện bồi thường, những gì không được bồi thường, có thể khác với các bản hợp đồng của hãng bảo hiểm khác.
Trong khi những sự khác nhau đó lại có lợi cho chủ nhà trong một số trường hợp nhưng phần lớn là ngược lại, theo lời ông Daniel Schwarcz, giáo sư tại đại học luật Minnesota Law School nói với báo tài chính Wall Street Journal. Ông thấy cho cùng một loại bồi thường mà lại khác xa nhau tùy hãng bảo hiểm.
Thí dụ, một số hãng bảo hiểm bồi thường cho mỗi vụ dòng điện gây thiệt hại cho các máy móc trong nhà mỗi thứ máy lên tới 1.000 Mỹ kim, nhưng có hãng bảo hiểm chỉ bồi thường tổng cộng tối đa là 1.000 Mỹ kim cho tất cả. Một số hợp đồng bảo hiểm có bồi thường cho thiệt hại vì ẩm mốc (mold) và chì (lead), một số hãng thì không có.
Nhiều bản hợp đồng có những thứ từ ngữ hiểu khá bao quát, thành thử, người ta không biết đích xác nó ảnh hưởng thế nào đối với giới tiêu thụ. Theo ý kiến của ông Schwarcz, một số hãng bảo hiểu lớn hàng đầu nước Mỹ đã có từ ngữ trong bản hợp đồng “kém quảng đại” (less generous) so với bản hợp đồng tiêu chuẩn mà các hãng đều căn cứ vào để viết lại riêng cho mình.
Thí dụ, bản hợp đồng bảo hiểm nhà tiêu chuẩn bảo đảm chống lại “rủi ro gây thiệt hại vật chất trực tiếp cho căn nhà” (risk of direct physical loss to property). Nhưng lời lẽ trong bản hợp đồng của một số hãng bảo hiểm lớn lại viết là “rủi ro gây thiệt hại vật chất trực tiếp có tính cách tai nạn” (risk of accidental direct physical loss). Một số bản hợp đồng khác lại viết: “sự thiệt hại vật chất bất ngờ và có tính cách tai nạn” (sudden and accidental direct physical loss).
Các tĩnh từ được thêm vào có thể dễ cho người ta giải thích khác nhau để từ chối trả tiền bồi thường. Không những vậy, người ta còn thấy có những trường hợp hãng bảo hiểm từ chối bồi thường cho chủ nhà viện cớ sự cẩu thả của người này đã dẫn tới tai nạn.
Lý do dẫn đến cháy nhà chẳng hạn, nếu tìm cách đổ tội cho chủ nhà “cẩu thả” (negligence) để không bồi thường cũng không khó lắm nếu người ta cố ý.
Lấy một thí dụ khác. Một người chủ nhà đốn một cái cây cao trong vườn nhà. Ông đã lỡ để cái cây đổ sang căn nhà bên cạnh, gây nhiều thiệt hại trầm trọng. Chủ nhà có mang tội “cẩu thả” không? Tùy hãng bảo hiểm, tùy sự điều tra và kết luận.
Nói chung, từ ngữ trong một bản hợp đồng bảo hiểm rất chặt chẽ từng chữ một. Nếu chủ nhà không đọc kỹ, nhiều khi đòi bồi thường không có kết quả vì hãng bảo hiểm giải thích khác với cái hiểu của chủ nhà.
Môt thí dụ từ một vụ kiện được ông Schwarcz nêu ra để dẫn chứng.
Một cặp vợ chồng ở thành phố Eden Prairie, tiểu bang Minnesota kiện hãng bảo hiểm AllState vì không chịu bồi thường.
Cặp vợ chồng này bán căn nhà 15 tuổi của họ và một chuyên viên kiểm tra nhà được thuê tới phát hiện gỗ ẩm mục bên trong lớp vách ngoài (stucco exterior). Hãng bảo hiểm biện giải rằng trong hợp đồng có mục miễn trừ bồi thường các trường hợp hư cũ theo thời gian (exclusions for wear and tear) cũng như những hư hại do lỗi của công ty xây nhà.
Ông tòa nói rằng bản hợp đồng xác định nêu rõ sự bồi thường chỉ xảy ra khi “sự thiệt hại bất ngờ và có tính cách tai nạn”. Cái mà người chuyên viên kiểm tra nhà (home inspector) khám phá ngày hôm đó không phải “bất ngờ và có tính cách tai nạn” mà hệ quả từ rất nhiều ngày do những nguyên nhân nào khác. Bởi vậy ông tòa đã phán rằng sự hư hại nhà của cặp vợ chồng trên “không bất ngờ” xảy ra nên đồng ý lập luận của hãng bảo hiểm cho dù ông nhìn nhận người chủ nhà bất ngờ với cái gì họ nhìn thấy về sự thiệt hại của căn nhà.
Khi không có chuyện gì xảy ra, hàng năm, chủ nhà “nộp mạng” cho hãng bảo hiểm thấy có vẻ như phí tiền. Nhưng không ai biết chuyện gì sẽ xãy ra ngày mai hay vài tháng sau. Giông lốc, động đất, mưa bão, cháy, cái gì cũng có thể xảy đến. Một số tiền nhỏ mua bảo hiểm là “đầu tư” để tránh những thiệt hạo lớn hơn mà khả năng tài chính của mình rất có thể gồng không nổi.
Người viết bài này từng biết có những chủ nhà đã “mất toi” căn nhà và cả đồ đạc bên trong cho trận bão lớn ở Galveston (Texas) mấy năm trước. Nhà ở đó rẻ, giá mua có khoảng 20.000 - 30.000 Mỹ kim hai ba chục năm trước họ đã trả đứt. Mấy năm không có gì xảy ra, không ít người Việt Nam đã không mua bảo hiểm. Bão lớn xảy ra năm 2008, hàng chục chủ nhà không mua bảo hiểm đã bị sập mất nhà. Để làm lại mỗi căn nhà như thế, tốn trên dưới 150.000 Mỹ kim.
Nên đọc cẩn thận các hợp đồng bảo hiểm của căn nhà. Nếu không hiểu, nên nhờ chuyên gia luật pháp cố vấn.

Vũ Đức Hiền/Viễn Đông
Vien Dong Daily

Friday 18 November 2011

Bạn có sẵn sàng để mua nhà hay không?

Friday, 21 October 2011 13:30

Hiện giờ có nhiều người rất hăng hái trong việc mua nhà. Điều đó không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên! Thị trường hiện nay cung cấp nhiều điều kiện lý tưởng để mua nhà.

Lãi suất vẫn ở những mức thấp kỷ lục (dành cho những người có tín dụng xuất sắc). Giá nhà cực kỳ hợp với túi tiền khi được so sánh với lợi tức trung bình trong vùng. Có một số cung lớn lao về nhà cửa trong hầu hết các thị trường (có nhiều nhà để lựa chọn và người mua nắm lợi thế trong những cuộc thương lượng).

Khu gia cư mới được xây cất ở Canonsburg, Pa. (Hình: AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Tuy nhiên, các vấn đề vẫn như cũ. Bạn có sẵn sàng để mua nhà hay không? Bạn hãy bỏ ra một ít thì giờ để trả lời mười câu hỏi trong cuộc trắc nghiệm: Tôi có sẵn sàng để mua hay không?

1. Điểm tín dụng của bạn ra sao? (a) Dưới 620; (b) Từ 730 đến 850; (c) Từ 620 đến 730.

2. Bạn có tiền mặt để đặt cọc 20% hay không? (a) Bao nhiêu, tới 20% ư? (b) Có; (c) Chưa có, nhưng chúng tôi đang lo liệu.

3. Bạn có tiền mặt tương đương một quỹ khẩn cấp 8 tháng hay không? (a) Tôi sống từng tháng; (b) Chúng tôi có tiền để trang trải 8 tháng chi phí; (c) Chúng tôi chỉ có tiền tiết kiệm để trang trải một vài tháng.

4. Bạn có được chấp thuận trước để vay một món tiền mua nhà hay không? (a) Tôi nghĩ trước tiên tôi sẽ tìm căn nhà mà tôi thích; (b) Có, và tôi có một bản sao của bức thư; (c) Tôi sử dụng những mẫu được cung cấp trên Internet.

5. Việc làm của bạn: (a) Tạm thời, bán thời gian; (b) Toàn thời gian và chắc chắn; (c) Toàn thời gian, nhưng công ty của chúng tôi đang có những vụ sa thải.

6. Bạn có dự tính ở lại trong thành phố hiện nay của bạn từ 3 đến 5 năm nữa hay không? (a) Tôi sẽ không ở đây lâu như vậy; (b) Có, hầu như chắc chắn; (c) Tôi không chắc.

7. Bạn có nghiên cứu về các ngân sách của người mua hay không? (a) Tôi không có thời giờ để thực hiện những ngân sách phù phiếm; (b) Tôi có một bảng tính cho thấy các diễn tiến khác nhau; (c) Tôi có thực hiện một vài cái, nhưng đã không bỏ ra nhiều thì giờ.

8. Bạn cần khoảng không gian cỡ nào? (a) Tôi muốn một gia trang. Tôi sẽ không chấp nhận dưới mức đó; (b) Chúng tôi chỉ cần trong vòng khoảng 500 feet vuông; (c) Chúng tôi đã suy nghĩ về chuyện đó, nhưng chưa quyết định chắc chắn.

9. Bạn và người phối ngẫu có đồng lòng hay không? (a) Ý tôi là chính; (b) Chúng tôi đã có nhiều cuộc thảo luận dài và đồng ý về hầu hết mọi điểm; (c) Chúng tôi đã nói chuyện, nhưng có những ý kiến rất khác biệt.

10. Tại sao bạn muốn mua? (a) Tôi muốn có một nơi để phô trương; (b) Tôi muốn sự ổn định cho gia đình tôi; (c) Tôi muốn có thể trang hoàng theo ý tôi muốn!

Nếu những câu trả lời của bạn phần lớn là (a), các chuyên viên của chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên chờ một thời gian để tình trạng tài chính của bạn sáng sủa trước khi xúc tiến. Sở hữu nhà là một trách nhiệm tài chánh lớn lao, và với một tỉ lệ thất nghiệp trên 9.0% tại hầu hết mọi nơi trong nước, điều quan trọng là bạn có sẵn ngân quỹ để chăm sóc cho bản thân và gia đình bạn trước khi bạn mua hay không.

Nếu những câu trả lời của bạn phần lớn là (b), xin chúc mừng! Bạn có vẻ như một ứng cử viên hàng đầu để sở hữu nhà. Hãy bảo đảm liên lạc với chuyên viên địa ốc địa phương của bạn để được khuyên về bước tiếp theo.

Nếu những câu trả lời của bạn phần lớn là (c), bạn đang rất gần để được coi như sẵn sàng để mua. Hãy dành vài tháng tới để kiểm tra báo cáo tín dụng của bạn và sửa chữa bất cứ sai lầm nào. Hãy nói chuyện với các ngân hàng và nhà cho vay và xem bạn đủ điều kiện để hưởng lãi suất bao nhiêu. Hãy khởi sự đặt việc mua nhà lên hàng đầu trong tâm trí của bạn và việc hoạch định tương lai của bạn. Hãy biến nó thành một ưu tiên và nó sẽ xảy ra.

Theo Người Việt (n.n.)



Saturday 12 November 2011

Ðịnh giá như thế nào để bán được nhà?

HOA KỲ - Khẩu hiệu phổ biến nhất của thị trường địa ốc từ trước tới nay là “địa điểm, địa điểm, địa điểm.”

Ðịa điểm xấu hay tốt quyết định trị giá căn nhà nhiều hay ít, dễ bán hay khó bán khó mua, rồi mới tới các yếu tố khác.

Bây giờ, trong tình hình hiện nay, có một khẩu hiệu mới trên thị trường, và đó là “giá cả, giá cả, giá cả.” Bạn có thể có căn nhà lộng lẫy nhất ở bãi biển Malibu, nhưng nếu bạn định giá cao quá, bạn sẽ không bán được trong thị trường ngày nay.

Làm thế nào bạn biết mức giá căn nhà của bạn ở đâu? Làm thế nào bạn biết rằng nhân viên địa ốc của bạn đã định giá một cách chính xác để bán?

Ðây là một vài lời khuyên để lái bạn đi đúng hướng.

- Ðánh giá nhà (Appraisals): Nhân viên địa ốc của bạn hoặc người trung gian sẽ có một danh sách những chuyên viên đánh giá nhà tại địa phương. Bạn cũng có thể viếng thăm Appraisal Institute trên Internet tại địa chỉ Chỉ cần bấm vào “find an appraiser.” Một vụ đánh giá nhà chỉ tốn một vài trăm đô la, nhưng nó giúp bạn có một ý tưởng rõ rệt về số tiền mà một người mua có thể chấp nhận.

- So sánh với những căn nhà tương đương: Những căn nhà giống như căn nhà của bạn đang được bán với giá bao nhiêu? Bạn có thể tìm những căn nhà tương đương bằng cách phân tích những căn nhà trong khu dân cư của bạn, hoặc trong những khu lân cận. Nếu một căn nhà tương đương được bán với giá $150,000, ít có cơ may bạn sẽ tìm được một người mua sẵn lòng trả $180,000 cho căn nhà giá đắt của bạn. Khi cần bán, căn nhà của bạn nên luôn luôn là căn nhà rẻ nhất trong khu vực, không phải là căn đắt nhất! Ai cũng thích mua được giá rẻ.

- Có khả năng cạnh tranh: Ðịnh giá một căn nhà dưới mức thị trường là một chiến lược mà vài nhân viên địa ốc sử dụng để gây chú ý và để tạo một cuộc tranh mua nhờ có nhiều người trả giá. Một căn nhà được định giá khôn ngoan chắc chắn sẽ được nhiều người tới coi nhà hơn là một căn nhà đắt hơn căn nhà tương đương. Khi có nhiều người tới coi nhà, căn nhà của bạn có nhiều cơ may được một người trả giá.

- Liên lạc với nhà cho vay: Những nhà cho vay sẽ chỉ cho phép một người mua vay tiền tới mức mà một căn nhà được đánh giá. Ðiều đó có nghĩa nếu bạn định giá quá cao, ngay cả một người sốt sắng muốn mua có thể cũng gặp trở ngại trong thủ tục vay tiền.

- Xem xét việc cho thuê: Nếu bạn bị mắc kẹt trong một thị trường đang bị mất giá, có thể bạn không nên bán nhà vào lúc này. Một giải pháp hợp lý là cho thuê căn nhà của bạn. Nhân viên địa ốc có thể soạn thảo cho bạn những chi tiết của bất cứ hợp đồng nào.

- Bạn cần bán tới mức nào: Ðây là một thúc đẩy thực sự. Vài chủ nhà muốn bán, nhưng họ không cần bán. Ðiều đó có nghĩa họ có thể chờ đợi cho tới khi thị trường ngưng đi xuống, hoặc chờ đợi một người mua “hoàn hảo.” Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn tự cảm thấy bạn cần dọn đi, ra khỏi thành phố hoặc ra khỏi tiểu bang, khi đó bạn sẽ phải sẵn sàng nhượng bộ trong thị trường ngày nay. Và trong thị trường địa ốc, sự thỏa hiệp hoàn toàn liên quan đến giá cả.

Những người mua ngày nay rất rành rẽ. Kỹ thuật cho phép họ tìm kiếm trên dịch vụ liệt kê MLS tại địa phương, nghiên cứu các chiều hướng mới nhất, và ngay cả nhìn thấy giá cả trong khu dân cư của bạn đã thay đổi như thế nào trong 30 ngày vừa qua. Họ sẽ biết liệu căn nhà của bạn có được định giá quá cao hay không. Sai lầm vì định giá quá ít còn hơn là định giá quá nhiều trong trò chơi với những con số này. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn định giá căn nhà của bạn đúng, chắc chắn bạn sẽ tìm được một người sẵn sàng và muốn mua. (nn)

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Khi nhà đầu tư "biến hình"

Cập nhật 08/09/2011 06:00:00 AM (GMT+7)

Khi nhà đầu tư "biến hình"

(TuanVietNam)-Nhiều nhà đầu tư nước ngoài đăng ký đầu tư vào Việt Nam, nhưng thực chất là vay vốn ngân hàng trong nước để đầu tư là chính. Nếu dự án có sự cố gì thì ảnh hưởng tiêu cực rất lớn đến các ngân hàng này.

Không phủ nhận việc đầu tư nước ngoài FDI đã giúp Việt Nam giải được phần nào bài toán về nguồn vốn đầu tư, động lực tăng trưởng chủ yếu của nền kinh tế thời gian qua. Tuy nhiên, thực tế quản lý dòng vốn cùng với áp lực tái cấu trúc nền kinh tế buộc chúng ta nhận diện rõ ràng những mặt trái của tấm huy chương.

Những năm gần đây, vốn FDI thực hiện ở Việt Nam đã đạt mức trên 10 tỷ USD (với số vốn bên ngoài chuyển vào trên 8 tỷ USD) là con số lớn, chiếm khoảng 1/4 tổng vốn đầu tư cả nước và tạo ra đến 45% giá trị sản lượng sản phẩm công nghiệp.

Ảnh: Minh Nguyệt

Thế nhưng, các nguồn vốn này thường đầu mới được dành cho đầu tư các dự án thuộc loại "gia công". Tỷ lệ giá trị gia tăng của khu vực FDI trong công nghiệp lại chỉ đạt 40% MVA, chưa tạo nên hiệu quả vượt trội tương ứng, trong khi khu vực kinh tế Nhà nước tạo ra 18,5% giá trị sản lượng công nghiệp (giá thực tế), nhưng đã tạo ra tới 28% giá trị gia tăng ngành công nghiệp.

Sự cởi mở trong chính sách thu hút đầu tư đã được Chính phủ cũng như các bộ, ngành và địa phương thực hiện trong nhiều năm, đến nay bộc lộ không ít điểm yếu, nhất là sự quản lý các dòng vào - ra của vốn đầu tư nước ngoài.

Nhiều dự án đăng ký là đầu tư nước ngoài, nhưng vốn gần hết là từ các ngân hàng trong nước. Hoặc ngược lại, có trường hợp doanh nghiệp trong nước, nhưng có tỷ trọng vốn nước ngoài khá lớn. Nhiều nhà đầu tư nước ngoài đăng ký đầu tư vào Việt Nam, nhưng thực chất là vay vốn ngân hàng trong nước để đầu tư là chính, còn vốn nước ngoài chuyển vào đầu tư không được bao nhiêu. Nếu dự án có sự cố gì thì ảnh hưởng tiêu cực rất lớn đến các ngân hàng này.

Tình trạng đầu cơ đất, "bán" dự án khá phổ biến khiến công tác quản lý tài nguyên và đất đai thêm khó khăn, thậm chí có dự án vốn tới 4,1 tỷ USD, nhưng vốn tự có (vốn pháp định hay vốn điều lệ) của chủ dự án chỉ 100 triệu USD. Nhiều dự án ảo, chậm triển khai đã bị các địa phương rút giấy phép đầu tư cũng là hiện tượng rất đáng lo ngại.

Đặc biệt, do Nghị định 108/2006/NĐ-CP quy định chi tiết và hướng dẫn thi hành một số điều của Luật Đầu tư, ở khoản 1, điều 51 quy định về điều chỉnh dự án đầu tư, trong các yếu tố buộc nhà đầu tư phải điều chỉnh giấy chứng nhận đầu tư không đề cập đến trường hợp thay đổi chủ đầu tư, nên tại Đà Nẵng và nhiều địa phương khác, có hiện tượng nhà đầu tư khi đăng ký và được cấp phép thì để một thời gian dài rồi chuyển nhượng cho nhau, không phải trong nước mà chuyển nhượng tại nước ngoài. Sau đó nhà đầu tư "thứ phát" đến Việt Nam làm thủ tục đăng ký lại. Việc này gây ra tình trạng thất thu thuế và giảm sút hiệu lực, hiệu quả quản lý nhà nước...

Còn theo Nghị định 139/2007/NĐ-CP hướng dẫn chi tiết thi hành một số điều của Luật Doanh nghiệp, trường hợp doanh nghiệp dự định thành lập có sở hữu của nhà đầu tư nước ngoài không quá 49% vốn điều lệ thì việc đăng ký đầu tư trong trường hợp này áp dụng theo quy định tương ứng đối với dự án đầu tư trong nước.

Chiểu theo các điều luật này, đã có nhiều nhà đầu tư nước ngoài "biến hình" vào các doanh nghiệp trong nước và chỉ phải đăng ký kinh doanh, thay vì lập dự án đầu tư.

Trên thực tế, nguy cơ của việc buông lỏng quản lý dòng vốn FDI đã có nhiều địa phương. Theo Sở KH&ĐT Hà Nội, Hà Nội có khoảng gần 800 doanh nghiệp "trót" cấp theo Nghị định 139 nêu trên, với vỏ là doanh nghiệp Việt Nam, ruột là doanh nghiệp nước ngoài. Bây giờ chúng đi đâu, làm gì không ai biết được.

Để quản lý các doanh nghiệp FDI, Hà Nội đã "lách luật" làm theo cách riêng, từ chối cấp đăng ký kinh doanh cho các doanh nghiệp có sở hữu của nhà đầu tư nước ngoài dưới 49% vốn điều lệ và do đó sở KH&ĐT Hà Nội đã phải hầu 4 vụ kiện ra tòa hành chính vì từ chối cấp đăng ký kinh doanh sai quy định của pháp luật hiện hành.

Thứ trưởng Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư Nguyễn Văn Trung cũng nhấn mạnh sự bức xúc này: "Về quan điểm tự do kinh doanh thì không ai phản đối, nhưng khi đụng chạm đến lợi ích quốc gia trên từng địa bàn thì rõ ràng quy định của chúng ta có vấn đề... Trong góp vốn, mua cổ phần, chúng ta không kiểm soát được dòng tiền nếu như thực hiện theo quy định tại Nghị định 108...".

Để trốn thuế và tạo cạnh tranh không lành mạnh, các DN có vốn nước ngoài cũng không ngần ngại biến hóa con số. Có tới 50% doanh nghiệp có FDI liên tục khai kinh doanh bị lỗ trong khi không ít DN vẫn tiếp tục mở rộng hoạt động. Phần lớn các liên doanh đã chuyển sang hình thức đầu tư 100% vốn nước ngoài.

Đó là những hiện tượng không bình thường, cho thấy có hiện tượng lạm dụng chính sách ưu đãi và cơ chế "chuyển giá", gây thiệt hại cho NSNN và tình trạng kinh doanh thiếu minh bạch, cạnh tranh không lành mạnh giữa các doanh nghiệp.

...Nguyên nhân của tình trạng trên có nhiều, ngoài những bất cập nêu trên về luật định, cần phải kể đến tình trạng phân cấp đến chia cắt "cát cứ" và trình độ quản lý, thẩm định dự án chưa tương xứng, sàng lọc kém các dự án, nên đã thu hút các dự án chưa được chuẩn bị kỹ... Rút cuộc, người chịu thiệt lại chính là nền kinh tế Việt Nam, nơi đã cởi mở rải thảm đỏ về chính sách để đón luồng vốn này. Kì vọng về dòng vốn FDI gắn với mở mang thị trường, chuyển giao công nghệ và kỹ năng quản lý, tăng sức cạnh tranh cho doanh nghiệp và kinh tế vỡ như bong bóng xà phòng.

Monday 20 June 2011

Vietnam Real Estate Report

Vietnam Real Estate Report

Established in November 2007, VNRE's mission is to bring information to the community of foreign investors who are looking for investment opportunities in Vietnam. We provide multi-dimensional information on the investment and business laws... Details about the projects, such as: Residential, Shopping centers, Office buildings, Resorts, Industrial and Infrastructure...

Land use purpose transfer brings golden opportunities to investors 20 Jun 2011, 6:36 am

VNRE - The land areas in Hanoi which industrial factories will leave after the relocations are always the aiming points of real estate developers, because they deserve the “golden mines” for the developers to dig.

It is really not easy to access the land areas, because everyone understands the benefits the land areas can bring.

To date, Vincom has been considered the most successful investor in developing the golden land areas. After succeeding with Vincom Towers built on the land area which was once the premises of the Tran Hung Dao Mechanical Engineering Factory, Vincom quickly realized the great potentials of similar land areas.

According to Thoi bao Kinh te Vietnam (Vietnam Economic Times), tens of hectares of golden land in Hanoi have been falling into the hands of the companies where Vincom is holding the controlling stakes. These include the two well known projects – Royal City and Times City – build on the places which were the Tool Factory No 1 and the March 8 Textile Factory in the past.

In order to attain the 12 hectare land plot of the Tool Factory No 1, the investor – the Hoang Gia Real Estate Development and Investment, where Vincom is holding the controlling stakes of 51 percent, had to pay a huge sum of money – 1300 billion dong. As such, every square meter of land here cost more than 10 million dong. However, analysts still believe that this was a good price for Hoang Gia, because the profits the investment project can bring would be much higher.

The sum of money that the Nam Hanoi Urban Development Joint Stock Company, where Vincom is also holding controlling stakes (55.95 percent) in order to get the land plot of the March 8 Textile Factory has never been revealed. However, real estate experts believe that it was nearly the same with the money paid by Hoang Gia for the 12 hectare land plot.

In order to implement the Vincom Village project, Vincom has to contribute 51 percent of total capital in the Sai Dong Urban Development and Investment Company. Sources said that Vincom makes the capital contribution in exchange for the right to exploit the large land plot with the area of over 183 hectares. Previously, the land plot was reserved for developing an industrial zone.

Regarding the Royal City project, the land plot that the investor got is large enough to build a complex of 4000 apartments, 200,000 square meters of shopping malls and 300,000 square meters of parking lots.

With the average price of over 40 million dong per square meter for apartments and the right to exploit the shopping malls and parking lots for a long term, it is not difficult to imagine how big the profits the investor would be able to pocket.

The huge profits for Vincom have prompted other real estate developers to follow the way of doing business. This explains why the managers of many industrial factories in the inner city, which have to relocate to the suburb areas, want to develop real estate projects on the land areas themselves, instead of giving the “golden land” to new investors.

Managers of the Sao Vang Rubber Company which owns the 6 hectare land area at No 231 Nguyen Trai Road are also considering the investment plan on the land area. In order to relocate the factory, the company will have to halt the production for 18 months, and it will need 800 billion dong to relocate the factory and set up things at the new factory.

The board of management of the company said that the company has signed an agreement with a partner on how to exploit the land area after the company leaves. The partner, who prefers to stay anonymous, said he accepts to pay 700 billion dong for the land.

Hundreds of factories and production workshops in the inner city of Hanoi have been asked to relocate in order to meet the requirements of the urban development. However, how to develop the golden land fund the factories will leave after the relocation remains a difficult question.

In 2009, the Hanoi People’s Committee announced the plan to relocate 422 industrial workshops which cause pollution. The workshops have the total land used area of 887.7 hectares, 209 of which are located in the inner districts and Son Tay town, mostly on “golden land areas”.

The problem is that many land use purpose transfer projects were wrapped up with the agreements among involved parties and the approval of the city’s authorities. Meanwhile, people believe that the land areas should have been put into auctions in order to find the most suitable investors.

Source: VnEconomy | Vietnamnet


Luke Donald to design first golf club in Vietnam project 20 Jun 2011, 6:34 am

VNRE - Those who follow developments in Asia closely, will be aware that shortly after assuming the mantle of the World’s highest ranked professional golfer, England’s Luke Donald bowed to the inevitable and announced he was designing his first course, in Danang, Vietnam. The project is known as Ba Na Hills, and Donald will be ‘designing’ the course in association with IMG Golf Course Services.

For those with more than a passing interest in design and golf course development in Asia, to give you some background here – it was announced back in November 2010 that Ba Na Hills had selected IMG to design its golf course, the press release from IMG stating at the time that ‘the first 18 holes at Ba Na Hills are now under detailed design. Construction is scheduled to start sometime in early 2011.’

Brit Stenson, who is the Director of Design for IMG, and presumably now the ghost-designer for Luke Donald, announced at the time that ‘Ba Na Hills presents an outstanding opportunity given its great mix of topography and existing vegetation. That mix will certainly make Ba Na Hills unique among the golf clubs in the Da Nang area, and I am sure it will become one of the best courses in Vietnam.’

In May 2011, it was further announced that IMG had also been selected as construction managers for Ba Na Hills – and that construction of the course was already underway. The General Director of Sun Group (the developer) stated that, ‘having previously selected IMG as the golf course designer for our Ba Na Hills project, there was excellent synergy to also appoint them in this construction management role.” He added that completion of the golf course was expected in late 2012.

Then came last weeks announcement that Luke Donald’s first foray into design would be the Ba Na Hills project in Vietnam, which we now know is already under construction. Donald, for his part, commented that he was “really happy with how the current design is looking on paper and looks forward to getting on site later this year to further refine the detailed design features.”

The fact that a client would engage IMG and wait until the course was under construction before ‘choosing’ which famous player would be held up as its ‘designer’ should come as no great surprise. Choice and range of celebrity players is, after all, the chief, and possibly only, benefit to engaging IMG Design as your course architects.

The fact that Ba Na Hills is already being built, and Luke Donald has only just become involved in the project and won’t be on site until later in the year, is going to make it more difficult when finished for IMG to hoodwink us into believing he really had anything to do with its design.

As we’ve reported previously on this site, modern golfers who chase the cash and team up with companies like IMG for signature projects had better not fall in love with design or plan to later establish standalone signature businesses, because poor work done in your name will be held against you down the track. One suspects Donald is more interested in playing professionally anyway than developing any serious design career, which is true of almost every present-day tournament celebrity.

Vietnam is a country with limited appeal to the traveling golfer, and every new project carries great expectation and hope that the wider tourism industry will benefit from its completion. So far results have been mostly underwhelming, and while we don’t expect Luke Donald’s involvement to buck the trend and raise the standard of design at IMG to any serious heights, we look forward nonetheless to reviewing Ba Na Hills when it opens. At this stage we aren’t sure whether this particular Vietnamese client should be viewed as being shrewd for waiting until an affordable IMG star was World number 1 before making their ‘design’ decision, or foolish for not waiting even longer in the chance than Donald’s form might slip and another IMG star replace him atop the rankings.

Source:Planet Golf | Photo courtesy of Sun Group.


VinaLand aims to make cash distribution 16 Jun 2011, 9:41 am

VNRE - VinaLand, an investment company focused on Vietnam's real estate sector, has stated that approximately 50 percent of cash generated from divestments, after providing for tax and investment commitments, will be distributed to shareholders of the Company.

The Board intended to make the first distribution following finalisation of the interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 December 2010. However, there was not sufficient cash available from divestments to warrant a distribution payment at that time.

The company is currently finalising several divestments that, upon completion of those transactions and the receipt of funds at the offshore fund level, should allow for a distribution to take place.

The Chairman of the Company, Mr. Nicholas Brooke, said: "VNL continues to make satisfactory progress in developing its assets and exiting mature holdings or those that do not fit the current strategy of the fund. Unfortunately, the current macro-economic climate in Vietnam is very challenging and receipt of payments on several divestments has been delayed, preventing us from completing a distribution in the first half of 2011. The Board continue to review the optimal method for returning capital, in consultation with shareholders, with a view to maximising value."

VNL continues to benefit from ongoing sales at residential township developments in Danang, Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City.

"VNL's progress with residential sales is highlighted by the recent success of the Danang Beach Resort in winning the Bloomberg-sponsored Asia Pacific Property Awards. Our residential sales brand, VinaLiving, is establishing itself as a mark of quality and value across Vietnam. We remain excited by the prospects of the fund and its ability to generate long-term returns for shareholders," Mr. Brooke said.


InterContinental Danang Resort - Update for June 2011 16 Jun 2011, 7:04 am

VNRE - InterContinental Danang Resort will soon define the luxury resort experience in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Embedded in the hills of the famous Son Tra Peninsula and surrounded by a beautiful landscape with panoramic views of the Southeast Asia Sea, the resort will be the choice for travelers seeking an experience that connects them to what’s special about Danang as well as offer them a once in a lifetime meetings experience.

The resort is secluded within the privacy of tropical lush green mountains and offers breathtaking views over the South China Sea. Suspended between heaven and earth, this luxury resort was designed to blend modern convenience with elements of traditional Vietnamese architecture. The resort features 168 spacious rooms, five beachfront villas with private pools and a range of more than 20 suites.

Photos courtesy of Uy Nam Construction (Unicons)


Long Thanh airport project approved 15 Jun 2011, 9:10 am

VNRE - The Prime Minister on June 14 given approval to Long Thanh International Airport Project in the southern province of Dong Nai.

The airport is expected to serve as an entrepot in the Southeast Asia region and will be large enough for receiving aircraft A380-800, 100 million passengers a year and 5 million tonnes of cargo a year.

In the first phase of the project (up to 2020), two parallel runways will be built to accommodate A380 aircraft with 68 parking spots for aircraft.

The second phase of the project (2020-2030) will see the number of runways raised to three, and the third phase beyond 2030 will increase the number to four.

The airport will have a terminal for both domestic and international flights by 2020 and two terminals by 2030.

Source: Vietnam+

Real estate sector grows ripe for mergers, acquisitions 15 Jun 2011, 9:10 am

VNRE - A resource crunch has been creating a favourable opportunity for mergers and acquisitions in the property sector, an industry insider has said.

"Viet Nam's real estate market is observing an unprecedented period of M&A activity, with both foreign and Vietnamese buyers and sellers active at this time," Neil MacGregor, deputy managing director of real estate services provider Savills Vietnam, said.

"While deals have been scarce in recent years, there is now a growing range of opportunities available to investors."

The Vietnamese real estate market was critically short of capital and developers were therefore seeking new sources of finance.

"Despite the recent clampdown on new lending to real estate, credit growth over the period from 2008 to 2010 has left many developers facing the pressure resulting from high interest rates, slow rates of residential sales and rising construction costs."

There were a number of options open to developers requiring capital to move their projects forward, none of which necessarily required financing from banks if the right partner could be found.

These included outright sale of a project, seeking a joint venture partner, en bloc sales of residential units, and strata sales of retail and office space.

Many Vietnamese developers continued to hold large land banks and were able to sell land to third parties to raise capital to finance the construction of other projects.

"Meanwhile, foreign investors remain frustrated by the lack of feasible projects available to them."

More active dialogue between local and foreign investors would ultimately lead to common ground and a realisation that both parties could benefit from partnerships, particularly in tough economic times.

A number of deals were done between local landowners and recognised foreign developers this year and this trend was expected to continue.

Singapore property group CapitaLand, for instance, announced last month two deals through an affiliate. One was with the Khang Dien Sai Gon Real Estate JSC to contribute 70 per cent to a project worth US$70 million to build almost 1,000 flats in HCM City's District 2.

The other was the acquisition of a 65 per cent stake in Quoc Cuong Sai Gon for around $6 million. QCSG owns around 9,000sq.m of land in HCM City's Binh Chanh District and plans to build around 800 flats.

Neil said another area where deals were highly anticipated was the retail sector since a growing number of international retail developers and operators sought to enter the Vietnamese market.

The number of deals in this sector would rise as local players recognised the benefits of partnering foreign players with many years of experience. A successful, branded retail development could also add significant value to larger mixed-use projects and accelerate residential sales.

"It is not just local land-owners and developers that are seeking exits from their real estate investments, but there is also a growing number of foreign-managed real estate funds seeking buyers for theirs."

These potential deals could be seen across the real-estate sector, but include hotels, resorts, office buildings, as well as development land within larger projects.

He expected to see many more mergers and acquisitions in the real estate sector in the next 12 months.

However, there may be hurdles to these activities.

Ho Dang Quang of the law firm Bar Association said regulations on real estate M&A were vague.

Do Thi Loan, deputy chairwoman and general secretary of the HCM City Real Estate Association, said project valuation was one of the biggest problems for M&A activities.

Source: VNA

Asian Coast Development Ltd. Annouces Strategic Agreement To Invest $95 Million By Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. 14 Jun 2011, 5:51 am

VNRE - Asian Coast Development (Canada) Ltd. (ACDL), the owner and developer of the Ho Tram Strip beachfront complex of destination integrated resorts and residential developments in southern Vietnam, announced today that it has entered into a subscription agreement with Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: PNK) under which Pinnacle will acquire a 26% equity interest in ACDL in exchange for a $95 million investment in ACDL. In addition, Pinnacle will enter into a management agreement through 2058 for the second integrated resort of the multi-phase Ho Tram Strip destination resorts project. The Ho Tram Strip is located approximately 80 miles southeast of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s largest city that attracts the majority of Vietnam’s 5 million tourists each year. The agreements include a potential 20-year extension of Pinnacle’s management contract and proportional representation on ACDL’s board of directors and are subject to customary closing conditions.

The Ho Tram Strip will be Vietnam’s first destination integrated resort and gaming complex and is scheduled to open in multiple phases, beginning in 2013. The multi-property resort complex is being developed by ACDL under an investment certificate from the Government of Vietnam, the first of its kind. The first resort of the Ho Tram Strip, MGM Grand Ho Tram, is currently under construction and will be managed by MGM Hospitality, a subsidiary of MGM Resorts International. The first phase of the MGM Grand Ho Tram will feature 541 luxury guest rooms and suites, a full spectrum of world-class restaurants and amenities, exquisite VIP accommodations, a conference center, and a spectacular entertainment area featuring 90 live table games and 500 electronic games.

“This transaction is another major milestone for ACDL and accelerates the development of our second resort and the entire Ho Tram site. Importantly, it builds critical mass at Ho Tram, brings a second highly respected operator into close partnership with ACDL, and enhances our plans for further growth and expansion,” said Lloyd Nathan, Chief Executive Officer of Asian Coast Development Ltd. “We now have two of the world’s leading gaming companies managing our integrated resorts in Vietnam, confirming Ho Tram as the next large-scale destination opportunity after Macau and Singapore. As a result of this transaction, we also now have the backing of two substantial institutional and corporate sponsors, Harbinger Capital Partners and Pinnacle Entertainment.”

The second integrated resort of the Ho Tram Strip, to be jointly developed by ACDL and Pinnacle and managed by Pinnacle, will be owned by ACDL. It is expected that the second integrated resort will be similar in scope to the MGM Grand Ho Tram resort that is currently under construction. It will be jointly branded by ACDL and Pinnacle as a distinct and premium resort.

“Participation in the development of the Ho Tram Strip was a highly sought after opportunity in the gaming industry. We are delighted to be a part of Vietnam’s strategic vision for the further development of its tourist industry, an investor in ACDL and a partner on the Ho Tram Strip project,” said Anthony Sanfilippo, President and Chief Executive Officer of Pinnacle Entertainment.

“We look forward to working collaboratively with ACDL, Lloyd Nathan and the rest of their management team to develop the Ho Tram Strip.”

“We are excited about the growing list of world class operators and development partners that have joined the Ho Tram project. Pinnacle Entertainment brings tremendous operating expertise and vision to ACDL, and we are pleased to welcome them,” said Philip A. Falcone, Chief Executive Officer of Harbinger Capital Partners, a leading private investment fund and ACDL’s majority investor. “We look forward as Lloyd Nathan and the ACDL team continue to build on this transaction and realize the immense potential of the Ho Tram Strip opportunity.”

Mr. Nathan added, “Pinnacle joins a strong Ho Tram Strip development team, including MGM Hospitality. We look forward to working with Anthony Sanfilippo and everyone at Pinnacle on the creation of the premier gaming and leisure destination in Southeast Asia.”

“We are delighted to see critical mass being created at Ho Tram and look forward to welcoming our new neighbors. This transaction is an important endorsement for Vietnam’s growing profile as a world-class tourism destination and we look forward to opening the MGM Grand Ho Tram in 2013,” said Gamal Aziz, President and CEO of MGM Hospitality.

About Asian Coast Development (Canada) Limited

Asian Coast Development (Canada) Ltd. (ACDL) is an international development company specializing in integrated resort destinations. ACDL, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Ho Tram Project Company Ltd, is the developer of the Ho Tram Strip, a group of integrated resorts to be located on more than 400 acres of land and more than two kilometers of pristine beach in Ho Tram, and approved in an Investment Certificate issued by the Government of Vietnam. With a focus on providing a personalized blend of excitement and relaxation, the Ho Tram Strip will feature something for everyone, from lavish entertainment to premium shopping and exceptional recreational facilities.

In November 2008, ACDL entered into an Agreement with MGM Resorts International to provide pre-opening services and to manage and operate the first of ACDL's five resorts under the MGM Grand brand. This will be Vietnam's first large scale integrated resort and ultimately will include an 1,100-room, five-star MGM Grand hotel, a world-class entertainment facility, restaurants, high-tech meeting space, an exclusive VIP area, a championship golf course, as well as a variety of beach-front recreation activities. Phase I of this development is scheduled to open in 2013 and will be the initial component of the largest integrated resort complex in Vietnam. For more information about ACDL, please visit the company's website at

About Pinnacle Entertainment

Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. owns and operates seven casinos, located in Louisiana, Missouri, Indiana and Nevada, and a racetrack in Ohio. Pinnacle is also developing L'Auberge Casino & Hotel Baton Rouge, which is scheduled to open in the summer of 2012. In May 2011, Pinnacle entered into an agreement to acquire a 26% ownership stake in Asian Coast Development Ltd. (ACDL), an international development and real estate company currently developing Vietnam's first large-scale integrated resort. For more information about Pinnacle Entertainment, please visit

About Harbinger Capital Partners

Harbinger Capital Partners is a multi-billion dollar private investment fund based in New York which employs a fundamental approach to investing. Harbinger Capital Partners is led by Philip A. Falcone who has been the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of funds affiliated with or managed by Harbinger Capital Partners since 2001. Mr. Falcone has more than 20 years of investment experience across an array of market cycles. For more information on Harbinger Capital Partners, please visit

Source: ACDL & Pinnacle Entertainment.


High-end property segment undeterred by tough conditions 14 Jun 2011, 5:50 am

VNRE - As compared with the so-called affordable housing units whose selling prices are bellow VND20 million per square meter, the high-end segment with apartments and villas worth several billion per unit is facing tough sales. Interest rate support, flexible payment terms, lucky draws and discounts are among the multiple incentives developers are offering for winning buyers.

But the tough market conditions have not deterred a number of developers from launching their projects.

Among those developers is Khang Dien Housing Trading and Investment Joint Stock Company which on Saturday started marketing its luxury Goldora Villa project underway on Lien Phuong Street in Phu Huu Ward in HCMC’s District 9. The project covers some eight hectares with 119 villas of 192 to some 1,070 square meters, with prices starting from VND6.5 billion per unit.

Ly Dien Son, general director of Khang Dien, said the company had decided to launch the project to assert its business development strategy in spite of the current challenges and that the company had received feedback from the market since it launched Villa Park project nearby the newly launched project.

Villa Park is jointly developed by Khang Dien Co and Prudential Vietnam Fund Management Co, a Prudential subsidiary. It has 213 villas and garden row houses and serviced utilities such as swimming pools, Jacuzzis, barbecue gardens, sport clubs, tree parks and a kindergarten. VND1.5 trillion has been allocated for the first phase of the residential project.

Dien said some 60 villas in the first phase of the Villa Park project were sold with prices ranging from VND3 billion to VND9 billion a unit, thus encouraging the developer to move on with its second villa project in the area.

In another development in the same area, VinaCapital Real Estate Company is pressing ahead with a plan to launch a residential project later this year after it saw success in the first project nearby.

David Henry, managing director of the company, said the company would invest some US$40 million in Garland 2 project with 72 villas and four condominium towers.

The firm is expected to get positive feedback from the market as seen in Garland 1 project whose 53 villas have been snapped up.

The high-end segment on Saturday saw the Singaporean property company Keppel Land Limited and its local partner Tan Truong Company launched their mixed-use development in HCMC’s District 7.

Some 193 apartments in its Riviera Point project along the Ca Cam River in District 7 are offered from VND30.7 million (US$1,460) per square meter.

The US$200 million project has 18 residential towers with a total of 2,400 apartments of two to four bedrooms. Like other developments, it has spaces for retail shops, food and beverage outlets, and recreational facilities. As planned, the first phase of the project with 549 apartments will be completed by 2014.

Linson Lim, president of Keppel Land International for Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, agreed the current residential market was tough for all developers. However, the Singaporean company has a long-term development strategy in the Vietnamese market where it expects to see challenges overcome in the coming time.

Flexible payment methods

While a number of developers look optimistic, many others are struggling to do all what they can to lure buyers through various incentives.

For example, Novaland Company has started up a free-staying program to get buyers’ feedback for its 39 apartments in the Sunrise City project in HCMC’s District 7.

In the program, the buyer will place a deposit equivalent to some 20% of the total value of an apartment when they sign a contract. The buyer then will make an additional payment equivalent to 60% to take delivery of the apartments. They are eligible to stay in the apartment for two years without paying a fee. After two years, they will pay the remaining 20% once they want to buy. If they do not want to buy, they can return their apartments to the company and take back their deposits together with the interest.

In another development, Phat Dat Corporation allows buyers to pay in 48 installments in the EverRich 2 condo project in District 7.

Instead of fixing a payment schedule, the firm is willing to design a payment method that fits the buyer’s monthly income. The first required deposit is 10% of the total value of an apartment and from the second to 47th payment, the buyer will pay a mere 1.3% at a time.

The company calculates that for a VND2.5 billion apartment, the buyer can pay some VND40 million per month. The amount of payment is believed to suit the income of a young family.

However, time will tell which incentives work, and which developers will win the race to attract customers. The current credit crunch and high interest rates have impacted on both the developer and the buyer.

Source: The Saigon Times


Landed property remains favorite 14 Jun 2011, 4:17 am

VNRE - Regardless of market difficulties, landed property remains the preferred choice for investors, and the demand for the segment is projected to continue its upward climb in the next few years

What's happening in the market shows that the condo segment, especially the luxury apartments, is surrounded with many difficulties. Abundant supply forces most developers to offer incentives to potential buyers, designing different promotion programs to boost their sales. Interest rate support, flexible payments, discounts in cash, a lucky draw for a car or motorbike, and giving savings books and even gold are what developers offer in hopes to quickly clear their stocks.

Unfortunately, high interest rates and the current credit tightening policy are discouraging many people from buying apartments for accommodation. Because of low liquidity, the condo market has seen fewer secondary investors than in the past. Unlike developers who now feel as if they are on the hot seat, buyers are adopting a wait-and-see attitude, hoping housing prices and interest rates will come down further. All these ingredients have negatively affected developers' business performance so far.

However, the landed property segment, including villas and townhouses for sale, has continued to see stable development, with the primary market still achieving strong numbers during the first quarter of this year. The preferred choice of landed housing among Vietnamese people is supporting the segment.

Tracking the local market beat, property services provider Savills Vietnam reported that demand for landed property in HCM City remained strong as the market saw the absorption rate of the primary market recorded at 23%, a six-percentage-point improvement compared with the fourth quarter of last year.

The main stock of both the primary and secondary markets is concentrated in the east and south of HCM City, including districts 2, 7, 9 and Nha Be. There are some 60,000 land lots from 164 projects located in seven districts including 2, 7, 8, 9, Nha Be, Binh Chanh and Thu Duc in HCM City. These districts, with their improving infrastructure systems connecting them directly to the central business districts, have larger quantities of land lots and more transactions than others.

Nguyen Nguyen Thai, head of residential project marketing of CB Richard Ellis Vietnam (CBRE), said that the residential market has seen a trend in property investment between the apartment segment and the villa and townhouse segments. With the same investment capital, from US$170,000, buyers have considered buying landed properties in outlying districts rather than buying luxury apartments in the city center.

Thai said the market used to see a half-and-half proportion between the number of customers buying apartments in districts 2 and 7 and villas in District 9 and Nha Be District. However, the proportion now is recorded at 30% and 70%.

Unlike the so-called affordable apartments, for which pricing is the most interesting element for buyers, the villa and townhouse segment targets well-to-do buyers who just pay attention to living environment and can pay by their savings.

Instead of keeping their savings in cash, some people are looking at property as an investment vehicle to protect their assets against further currency devaluation. That explains why land lots in fringe districts and neighboring localities such as Binh Duong, Long An and Dong Nai, where land prices are still affordable, remain attractive to many people.

The liquidity of the land lot segment in the residential market is among the many reasons encouraging some developers to shift their investments to landed properties.

For example, the central coast city of Danang has witnessed Trung Nam Corporation, after withdrawing from a 48-story development in the city, get off the ground its Golden Hills urban town project, which covers some 400 hectares in Hoa Hiep Bac in Lien Chieu District. Phuong Trang Corporation has launched Phuong Trang New Town Danang Bay, which covers 147 hectares along Nguyen Tat Thanh Street. As well, some other companies have joined the land lot market in the city where there are some 3,200 land lots and an additional of 5,200 ones to be launched into the market toward the end of the year.

In the capital city of Hanoi, Sai Dong Urban Development and Investment Joint Stock Company, an affiliate of Vincom Corporation, has launched its Vincom Village multipurpose project in Long Bien District. Some VND10 trillion will be set aside to develop the project on 183.5 hectares with different sections, including a section for villas.
Relating to the beat of the Hanoi market, Savills Vietnam reported prices of villas and townhouses in the capital city continued to increase in the first quarter of this year, 20% for villas and 15% for townhouses. Average secondary asking prices recorded around US$6,400 per square meter and from US$800 to US$1,200 per square meter for districts far from the central business quarter. The demand for the properties is identified among mainly wealthy Vietnamese.

Property service providers said that with a higher absorption rate, the villa and townhouse performance in the HCM City market would remain relatively stable in the short term. The market will see 118 projects provide some 54,000 housing units in the next five years, with the number of townhouses expected to double that of villas. The future supply comes mainly from suburban districts.

Savills Vietnam projected that new housing construction licences granted would encourage the demand for landed property to continue its upward trend in the next few years.

Source: SGT


Vincom markets mammoth property project in Hanoi 11 Jun 2011, 5:18 am

VNRE - Sai Dong Urban Development and Investment JSC, an affiliate of Vincom Corporation, on Tuesday started marketing its Vincom Village multipurpose project underway in Long Bien District in the capital city of Hanoi.

The developer says some VND10,000 billion, or nearly US$500 million, will be set aside to develop the project on 183,5 hectares including 60 hectares of water surface east of Hanoi, some 6.5 km from Ho Guom (Sword Lake).

The project is envisioned including a 38-hectare section for French-style villas, a section for Grade A office buildings and high-end apartments, and a commercial services section named Vincom Center Long Bien.

Besides a sport center and an outdoor food court, an international hospital, two schools and a kindergarten will be built to serve the project’s future communities.

Mai Huong Noi, general director of Vincom Corporation, says the company wants to set a record in the project development speed. The project got off the ground on May 12 this year.

As planned, villas will be handed over to buyers from September and the shopping center, Vincom Center Long Bien, will be opened by December 24 this year. The second phase with the remaining facilities will be finished by 2013.

In related residential market news in the region, the property services provider Savills Vietnam said that prices of villas and townhouses in the capital city continued to increase in the first quarter of this year, 20% for villas and 15% for townhouses.

Average secondary asking prices recorded in Tu Liem, Cau Giay and Tay Ho districts were around US$6,400 per square meter. For districts far from the central business quarter such as Me Linh and Quoc Oai had the lowest price from US$800 to US$1,200 per square meter.

According Savills, 103 projects across 14 districts provide the market some 34,600 villas and townhouses. The demand for the properties is identified among mainly wealthy Vietnamese.

In the office building sector, the overall market recorded a slight increase in occupancy performance to 90% in the first quarter of this year. Average rent remained unchanged compared with the previous quarter, at US$26 per square meter.

The office market in Hanoi currently has 760,000 square meters, but there will have some 1.2 million square meters of office space to enter the market in the next three years.

Meanwhile the retail market saw a slight decrease in the average occupancy rate to 92% in the first quarter. Some retail buildings launched promotions and discounts in order to attract more tenants.

The market observer says the total retail space of 440,000 square meters in the market will be increased significantly as 100 projects will supply some 1.2 million square meters in the next four years.

Reported by Dinh Dung | The Saigon Times


Jardine still wants prime site for commercial property 11 Jun 2011, 5:15 am

VNRE - Jardine Matheson, a UK diversified business group that focuses on Asia, is still interested in a prime location in downtown HCMC where it plans to develop a multi-purpose complex.

At his meeting with HCMC vice chairman Nguyen Trung Tin on Monday, Anthony Matheson, CEO and Managing Director of Jardine Matheson Group, repeated a request for prime-site land he made at a meeting with city chairman Le Hoang Quan eight months ago.

“Through the member company of Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited (DFI) that specializes in operating supermarkets, hypermarkets, health and beauty stores, convenience stores, home furnishings stores and restaurants, we’ve developed a major supermarket and retailer chain in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and UAE,” he said.

“In Vietnam, we’ve cooperated with Phu My Hung Corporation to develop the Crescent Mall in District 7,” said Matheson.

Speaking to Matheson, Tin noted the city already had many store chains including Metro, Big C, Lotte and Co.opMart. “Jardine should look at other areas than the central business district, especially the Thu Thiem New Urban Area (District 2) and the city’s northern gateway in Cu Chi District.”

As for the planned multi-purpose complex project, Matheson said his company wanted to develop it at 164 Dong Khoi Street in District 1. The project will include a shopping center, 5-star hotel, apartments and offices for rent.

However, Tin said, the central Government, not the city, could only decide this. The Government may invite tenders for this location or appoint a competent investor to develop it, he said.

The 9,700-square-meter site in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral and Metropolitan building is divided in two parts, comprising a French-style building that is used as the head office of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and a 2,600-square-meter area that is home to 154 households.

About 66 local and foreign investors also want to bid for the location.

Reported by Kinh Luan | The Saigon Times


Vinpearl to open Vinpearl Luxury Danang Resort in July 11 Jun 2011, 5:07 am

VNRE - Built on one of the most beautiful beach of the planet, where reconciliation between the imposing mountain and endless blue sea, the 5+ star hotel named Vinpearl Luxury Da Nang is ideal paradise resort for customers. After more than a year of construction and finishing, on 07/03/2011, Vinpearl Corporation will officially open and welcome guests to this beautiful resort.

Occasion of the opening, Vinpearl Luxury Da Nang offers "Special opening offer" promotion to all customers booking request to 07/31/2011 for the period from 07/04/2011 to 11/30/2011. Customers will get special treatments: free transport charges from airport to hotel, free fruit basket in room on check-in day, free breakfast everyday for 02 people, 20% reduction on the bill for spa services and dining, free shuttle bus to Hoi An or Bana Hills.

Located in the most favorable position of Non Nuoc beach, one of six most beautiful beaches on the planet (according to Forbes magazine's poll), with view towards the sea and its back leans against the Marble Mountains range, Vinpearl Luxury Danang becomes extremely ideal destination for the perfect holiday. From here, you can easily visit the world cultural heritage sites has been recognized by UNESCO as My Son, Hoi An and Hue Citadel.

From Da Nang International Airport, customers only take about 15 minutes by car to Vinpearl Luxury Danang Resort.

The hotel consists of 200 luxury rooms class 5 + stars were designed in contemporary architectural style. Interior decoration in hotel rooms are well-designed, luxurious and makes you feel like being in the middle of a paradise resort. In particular, all rooms in this resort are overlooking the sea and main pool. In addition, all customer care services of Vinpearl Luxury Danang: transport from the airport, health care and beauty, entertainment, cuisine... are served in accordance with the criterias: luxury and privacy, unique and highclass, comfort and warm.

Vinpearl Luxury Danang - Paradise resort in the dream.

For detailed information, please contact:

Reservation department of Vinpearl Luxury Danang
Hanoi: Tel: 84.4.3974 9966 - Fax: 84.4.3974 8833
Danang: 84.511.396 8888 - Fax: 84.511.396 8188


Vung Tau: DC6 – Thang Long mixed-use development 8 Jun 2011, 4:15 am

VNRE - ICE (Ideas for Contemporary Environments) with local architect Trinity & Associates was awarded the 2nd Prize for its entry for DC6 – Thang Long, a mixed-use Development, as a popular beach resort near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The design incorporates time share units, residential apartments, serviced apartments and commercial programs, adding up to 30,000 sqm.

Vung Tau is a prosperous and popular seafront resort city rich in natural energy and other resources which attracts business and tourists from all over Vietnam. It is one of the most modern cities of Vietnam. ICE’s approach to the high density demands of the site was to create an iconic Urban Resort that transforms the high density and huge volumes into a dynamic, fluid configuration, that comes alive with shifting towers, ensuring maximization of the view in all directions of the ocean and Vung Tai City for every apartment.

This strategic design approach also enabled the design to pull the apartment towers away from each other at important angles, providing the maximum level of privacy and exclusivity despite the density. The towers are supported by a podium, which incorporates clubhouse and resort facilities as well as shopping and F&B in a richly programmed landscape garden.

With the shifting towers, the structure is reinforced by a space frame on the top floor, reinforcing and transferring shear loads to the central core. This makes the structure very economical at no more than 15% over a more standard ‘vertically loaded’ design as the shifting of the floor plates is kept minimal (rotation less than 90 degrees), and the engineering of the lateral forces are kept at a minimum.

- Architects: ICE – ideas for contemporary environments (local architect: Trinity & Associates)
- Location: Vung Tau, Vietnam
- Project Name: DC6 – Thang Long
- Client: DIC Group
- Kind of Project: Invited International Competition
- Prize: 2nd Prize
ICE Design Team: Ulrich Kirchhoff, Louise Low, Claudia Wigger, Minh Le Van, Tim Mao Yiqing
- Site Area: 55,000 sqm
- Construction Area: 330,000 sqm.

Source: ArchDaily
Pictures/ Courtesy of ICE


Let's discover the luxurious house of Ha Kieu Anh 4 Jun 2011, 6:53 am

VNRE - Spacious villa of Ha Kieu Anh - Miss Vietnam 1992 in Lan Anh Villas, Luong Dinh Cua street, District 2, Hochiminh City. L-shaped house, land area of nearly 500 m2, in which 1/3 area is green. Architects have designed the house carrying shadow of a colonial villa with all rooms of the house overlooking the garden.

Sitting room is arranged at center of L-shaped as main axis of the function spaces. With pure Vietnamese materials such as furniture, bamboo blinds, silk pillows, Phu Ly ceramic vase,... to put breath of Asia into the living room as well as all the other rooms.

In the house, well hole is a unique creation. The walls are Champa Reliefs made elaborately as if they were stripped out from the ruined temples in the forest. Natural light combined with LED light and waterfall bring home a image of deserted tropical forest. The big transparent mirror frame around the well hole makes vivid picture of each storey.

Even the terrace is also a garden, creating privacy with the adjacent house.

Photos courtesy of Nha Dep Magazine & Ngoi Sao.


Land prices fall in Ha Noi's outskirts 4 Jun 2011, 5:49 am

VNRE - Land prices on the outskirts of the capital city have dropped sharply and transactions have cooled down, a development that has worried investors but been welcomed by experts who consider it a good sign as land prices approach real market value.

Land prices in many construction projects are falling, with those on the black market in Kim Chung-Di Trach new urban area along Highway 32 falling below 10 million (US$476) per square metre.

Land prices at the Gleximco new urban area along Le Trong Tan Road have also decreased by between VND6 and VND12 million ($285-$571) depending on location, said Nguyen Van Bac, a land broker at a real estate agent on Nguyen Ngoc Nai Street.

Until the recent price falls, residential land was considered as a safe channel for investors due to stable prices. Two months ago, land prices in Thach Ban, Gia Lam District were offered at VND60-65 million per square metre; now they have fallen to VND53-58 million per square metre. Similarly, land prices in Gia Lam District have also decreased by between VND1-2 million per square metre depending on location.

A land broker in Long Bien District said that during the past two months, his office could not sell any plot of land. The real estate market was almost frozen, he said.

Nguyen Trung Kien, a land trader in Gia Lam District, attributed the slow pace of land transactions to a new policy from the central bank that limited lending for the real estate and securities sectors. As a result, fewer people were borrowing capital from banks.

According to central bank governor Nguyen Van Giau, loan interest rates for non-manufacturing sectors such as real estate and securities reached 25 per cent per year and borrowers can not afford such high lending rates.

Le Xuan Truong, director of a joint-stock real estate company, said the real estate market in Ha Noi had been in a virtual fever for a long time, with investors pushing up selling price far from the land's original price.

The market is temporarily frozen, some speculators suffered heavy losses or went bankrupt, as this is more likely to occur when lending from commercial banks is tightened. As a result, investors have to withdraw gradually from the real estate market.

This month, the central bank requested credit institutions and banks to develop plans and maintain credit growth below 20 per cent for the entire year. Under the request, banks and credit institutions are required to reduce credit growth and the ratio of outstanding loans to non-manufacturing sectors, especially real estate and securities markets.

Dang Hung Vo, a senior adviser to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, said the message from the State Bank showed that capital for real estate would be scarce, but the real estate bubble would not burst and real estate prices still remained relatively high.

Vo emphasised that price decrease in real estate were a good sign showing that the market was approaching its real value.

Source: VNA


VinaCapital invests 65 million USD in Ba Thien 2 Industrial Park 1 Jun 2011, 5:25 am

VNRE - VinaCapital Group and Vietnam Infrastructure Limited (VNI), the first publicly traded fund to focus on infrastructure assets in Vietnam, on May 31 kick off the Ba Thien 2 Industrial Park project with the total investment of 65 million USD.

Located in Binh Xuyen district, Vinh Phuc province (50km from Hanoi), the 308 - hectare Ba Thien 2 project is owned by Vina-CPK Company Ltd, a joint venture between VNI and CPK Vinh Phuc JSC.

VNI holds a majority stake in Vina-CPK Company Ltd, which was granted an investment license in February 2009 for the Ba Thien 2 project. The Phase 1 comprises 65 hectare was handed over to Vina-CPK in January this year. Compensation of an additional 50 hectare is in progress and is expected to complete in June 2011.

According to Mr Hoang Thieu Son, Vina-CPK General Director, the Ba Thien 2 project will stand as a green, clean and environmentally friendly model for the development of industrial park in the North of country. The project is strategically located and will benefit from the continued arrival of multinational companies in Vietnam, including those migrating from plants in China to take advantage of Vietnam’s lower costs.

“This project is expected to complete within 3 years. Investors hope to create around 30,000 jobs for local and neighboring provinces people, who will enjoy the a 12- hectare housing area inside the park”, Mr Thieu Son added.

The Ba Thien 2 Industrial Park welcomes both domestic and international investors who specialized in the light industrial, high technology and electronic equipment installation/manufacturing.

On the same day, Vina-CPK has signed the first leasing contract with Viglacera Thang Long company for a 20 - hectare parcel.

Source: CPV & ATP


Mapletree to launch three new property funds in China, Vietnam, Japan 26 May 2011, 11:15 am

VNRE - Real estate firm Mapletree Investments said it plans to launch three property funds worth US$2 billion over the next few years.

The funds will invest in commercial and mixed-use properties in China, Vietnam and Japan.

Mapletree, the real estate arm of Temasek Holdings, also announced a 90 per cent increase in its profit after tax to S$747 million for the full year ended March 31, driven by higher rental contributions from its assets.

Mapletree Investments hopes to attract institutional investors into its three new Asian property funds. The firm said that investors are looking at annual internal rate of returns of between 12 and 22 per cent from these funds.

For the Japan Fund, Mapletree will use US$300 million to US$500 million to buy more office properties in the outskirts of Tokyo city centre as well as Osaka and Nagoya.

Three of such properties are already present in the fund as seed assets. The firm is targeting a 18.5 per cent rate of return from the fund and it is expected to launch this year.

A similar amount will be used for the Vietnam Fund, which focuses on mixed retail, office and serviced apartment projects in major Vietnamese cities. It is expected for launch in 2013.

Mapletree Investments counts a serviced apartment property in Hanoi and an upcoming retail and serviced apartment project in Ho Chi Minh City. It is targeting an annual rate of return of 22 per cent.

Mapletree will also use US$500 million to US$1 billion for its new China fund. The fund's assets will be in first and second tier Chinese cities. The fund will acquire mixed developments with residential components in China.

Chua Tiow Chye, Group Chief Investment Officer of Mapletree Investments, said: "The idea of doing mixed development in second tiered cities is because the land prices are less bubbly than those in the first tier coastal cities of Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai and we think that there's more value that we can add in terms of bringing in new ideas, new concepts of development into this second tier cities."

Mapletree is targeting assets under management of S$20 billion to S$25 billion by March 2014, with a higher proportion of managed assets to owned assets. It currently owns and manages S$15.4 billion of assets in total.

Analysts said Mapletree's long-term strategy for China and the rest of Asia is on the right track.

Bernard Lee, visiting Associate Professor (Practice) with Singapore Management University, said: "It is an economy that has a shortage of high grade, especially grade A offices. An entity with a very well known track record in terms of managing these properties are going to make these projects successful over the medium to long-term."

Mapletree's revenues from 2010 grew 30 per cent to S$454 million.

Higher rental income from Vivocity, Mapletree Anson and Mapletree Business City drove revenues higher. Mapletree's newly-acquired overseas properties in Vietnam and Japan also drove revenues, said the firm.

The firm also saw higher fee income from the initial public offering of Mapletree Industrial Trust in October last year.

The firm said it has no plans to tap a public listing for additional funds due to its well-capitalised financial position. Mapletree said the total real estate assets it owned and managed hit S$15.4 billion at March 31, up 19 per cent from S$12.9 billion a year ago.

Source: Channel News Asia


Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang - A Tropical Paradise 26 May 2011, 7:04 am

VNRE - Exclusively set on a separate island in one of the world’s 30 most beautiful bays, Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang situates itself comfortably on Hon Tre Island, Nha Trang. Built with superior construction standards and architectural styles of a world class tropical luxury resort, and housing over 84 beautiful coastal villas, Vinpearl Nha Trang is an ideal destination for luxury holidays that claim perfection and privacy.

Setting foot in Cam Ranh International Airport, your exclusive journey to Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang begins with a 40-minute charted car ride followed by a lush 7-minute cruise onboard a luxury yacht, the Aquabus 44. As you are transported from the mainland to this tropical island paradise, an overwhelming sense of awe takes over. The entrenched satisfaction you feel and the soul stirring beauty that surrounds is only a precursor to the beginning of a poetic journey of discovery filled with surprises and excitement.

From a distance, Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang resembles a beautiful painting of water and mountain. Soon, you will see the emergence of 84 private luxury bungalows with sea views and uniquely designed title terraces that redefine the beauty and attractiveness of the bay’s landscape.

Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang offers you a wide selection of plush villas and luxurious rooms that provide the highest standards of comfort and indulgence. All rooms are fully equipped with modern facilities and come with attached balconies that boast some of the most spectacular views of the ocean and vast white sand beaches of this divine destination. Not to mention the privileged access you will have to several private swimming pools and beaches located around the island. You can come prepared to rest, relax and soak in the golden sunshine at Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang.

In addition, all customer care services at Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang from airport shuttle services to health and beauty spa services to entertainment facilities and fine-dining services, are in compliance with the highest criteria emphasizing luxury, privacy, unique class, comfort and warmth.

Moreover, to meet your every need and bring to your holiday a heightened sense of care, privacy and comfort, all services at Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang are available to you 24/7.

You can have free strolls around the grounds of the resort, walk around the pool, feel the warm sunshine on your skin and enjoy the breathtaking views on the windswept coast green or you can keep your fitness up at the resort gym endowed with the latest state of the art facilities, relax at the world-class resort spa or even enjoy the great culinary offerings of the top notch restaurants located conveniently around the island. For a more private, individually tailored experience, you can request for all abovementioned services to be brought right to your doorstep and be assured of the greatest quality and standards of service.

Customer Care Management at Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang is in a class of its own. Employees are attentive, professional, dedicated and knowledgeable in customer care, acting not only as guides who assist you in using the advanced services systems of the resort but also as personal care providers who will listen to your every need and render the most efficient standards of service. All these have been set in place to bring to you a pleasurable holiday experience steeped in luxury and class. Wait no longer! Come indulge in the experience of a lifetime!

For further information, please contact:

Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang
Add: Hon Tre Island, Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Тel.: 84.58.359 0611 - Fax: 84.58.359 0613


Vinpearl launches Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang 26 May 2011, 3:47 am

VNRE - Designed and built in a harmonious blend of nature’s beauty and high-end interior furnishings and appliances, Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang is located on the stunning Hon Tre Island dream paradise where you can immerse yourself in the clear blue sea and heavenly sunlight. After more than a year of meticulous construction, Vinpearl Joint Stock Company is officially launching this luxurious Resort on 28 May 2011.

For this occasion during the period from 01 June 2011 to 30 November 2011, Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang is pleased to offer a “Special Opening Offer” for guests that book reservations before 30 June 2011.

Accordingly, guests will be entitled to an incredible special treatment: free roundtrip airport transfer, free transfer from the mainland to the Island by luxury yacht, complementary welcome fruits basket, one set menu dinner for two, complementary 60-minute foot massage for two, daily buffet breakfast for two, unlimited free access to Vinpearl Amusement Park and unlimited use of the cable car system at Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang. This offer is applicable for each two-night accommodation for 2 persons at Ocean View Villa and is priced at US$499+ (Click here for details).

Source: Vinpearl Land


Entertainment property key to tourism development 25 May 2011, 7:32 am

VNRE - Like other property segments, entertainment property projects play an important role in the market as it, besides bringing profits for developers and offering services to communities, will support significantly to the development of the tourism industry.

Thanks to having developed large-scale theme parks, some countries have become more popular in tourists’ hearts and minds, attracting thousands of visitors every year.

However, developing entertainment projects with support facilities attractive enough to lure local and international visitors is a problem that requires adequate investment and market research for most property developers.

Speaking at a property conference and exhibition Vietnam International Real Estate Connection (VIREC), hosted by G4B Branding Real Estate Marketing Company in HCMC last week, Nguyen Van Tuan, head of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, said Vietnam was a popular destination for international visitors. This was proved by the increasing number of international arrivals every year, as well as the increase in the number of local tourists.

Tuan said the country’s tourism industry strategy was shifting towards being more competitive. Therefore, developing leisure property projects would contribute to supporting the sector, going along with the orientation of the country’s tourism development strategy set by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Thibault Paquin, principal of the Hong Kong-based company Celebrating Life Asia, shared experiences to participants at the event themed ‘Modern Entertainment Investment Inspires the Next Development’ and said that the leisure industry had changed a lot with many entertainment projects underway.

Paquin said among Asian countries, China with huge yearly revenue from the local tourism market had developed some large theme parks in the country. Countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia were going ahead with their plans to develop amusement projects.

He presented participants with three model investments, saying privately developed projects were often small in scale and generate low profits to developers.

Meanwhile in the second model, local government would support developers by offering land with infrastructure development.

International investors often chose this model thanks to having support from local government; however, it sometimes required longer negotiations with local authorities. In the third model investment, a developer would develop land and infrastructure, and then invite other partners to jointly develop the project.

Looking to the current situation in Vietnam, he suggested local developers should combine the first and third models to develop an entertainment project.

In fact, local group Khang Thong has called for partners to invest in its entertainment complex which covers 266 hectares along the Vam Co Dong River in Long An Province’s Ben Luc District.

The USD2 billion Happy Land project, which is likened to the world’s famous resorts such as Disneyland or Universal Studio, will include leisure and water parks, commercial centers, three-to-five-star hotels, restaurants, discotheques, and indoor and outdoor theaters.

Luke Riley, Asian regional director for Sanderson Group International, said there were certain aspects developers should not overlook, including market research and feasibility studies and adequate investment.

Site and area evaluation, demographic assessment, competitor analysis and forecast attendance figures are what a developer should do before rolling up its sleeves to develop an entertainment project. He said adequate investment will help developers swiftly return on investment.

Paquin said that China spent 10 years trying to attract international theme park developers to the country, and wondered whether Vietnam could and should attract foreign developers now.

Tong Van Nga, vice chairman of the Vietnam Real Estate Association, said the developing entertainment project required a specific plan; and each region has its own characters, thus a theme park project should be developed based on those characters.

He, however, said that there was still a long way to go before Vietnam calls for international investors to develop the entertainment industry.

Source: Saigon Times


Apartment projects switching to house, villas 25 May 2011, 7:29 am

VNRE - Some apartment building projects have been adjusted into house and villa projects because investors are having difficulty in selling apartments.

The apartment market was very buoyant in 2007. During that time, apartments sold as soon as construction on them started.

Now, due to high lending interest rates, people do not want to borrow money from banks to buy property hence owners have no takers for their apartments. This has resulted in a surfeit of apartments.

Tens of thousands of apartments have no takers even though apartment owners are doing their best to lure buyers and even lowering selling prices.

In order to get back investment capital quickly, project owners have switched to building houses and villas rather than many apartments that are difficult to sell.

For instance, an area of nearly two hectares in District 7 in Ho Chi Minh City was an apartment building project with about 1,000 apartments. When the project was launched, its owner found it difficult to sell flats so he switched to building houses.

Customers then flocked to buy all the 100 houses that will be constructed on the 2-hectare area.

Similarly, an apartment project in District 9 has been changed into a villa project after the owner realized that the apartment market was on the wane. The owner claimed that after the villa project was launched, most of the villas were registered quickly.

He said that owners did not profit greatly by selling houses or villas but they sell more rapidly than flats and investments are recovered quickly.

According to the HCMC Department of Planning and Architecture, some investors in Binh Chanh and Thu Duc districts and districts 8 and 2 have asked for approval to build houses and villas rather than apartment buildings.

An authority from the department said building houses and villas has become a trend to stimulate demands in the property market, which is in a slump. Therefore, relevant agencies should be flexible to approve house and villa projects depending on the location.

Investors should be allowed to develop houses and villas in areas that are far from the city center, close to the river or in rural areas.

Reported by Luong Thien & Hoang Yen | SGGP


Capital for Realty Market: Comprehensive & Drastic Management Measures Required 25 May 2011, 6:59 am

VNRE - In order to intensify realty market management and put real estate market back to the track, Nguyen Hong Quan, Minister of Construction has submitted to Prime Minister a document working out measures to stabilise the realty market.

In the opinion of Ministry of Construction, these measures will keep the market under control, resist speculation and price increase, stabilize the market, truly reflect market’s supply and demand capacity as well as avoid shocking and freezing the market which creates negative impacts on credit system and social life.

Forming housing savings fund

Despite the fact that for years, Ministry of Construction as well as functional authorities have issued many measures to direct the realty market’s development, in which the core is to stimulate supply of low-priced housing, since realty financial system hasn’t been completed, the market’s development still relies much on governmental currency and credit policies, there are still many difficulties in keeping realty’s price under control.

At the moment, capital for realty market’s development is mainly mobilized from bank system and from population. Stable capital in medium and long term have many difficulties whereas interest rate on loans for short term is very high, which greatly influences on realty products’ value. Especially, banks tightening credit on realty market has challenged investors in implementing projects, even stopped many works, causing waste and reducing supply for the market.

It is so obvious about the influence of credit policies on realty market’s development, however, for years, there are still confusions in working out solutions to this. According to statistics from Ministry of Construction, the current realty credit growth rate is over 20 percent per year but there has not been distinction between necessary realty and unnecessary one. As a result, it is easy for capital for market’s development to only flow in highly profitable segments such as luxurious housing, realty of tourism, resorts, which makes saturated market be subject to breakage. The solution given out by Ministry of Construction is release criteria set of realty lending for credit institutes in order to best allocate capital.

Another solution is to issue measures to limit, then stop using cash in realty transaction, especially in case of capital mobilization contracts, trading future formed housing and renting housing. This measure is considered the one to help minimize risks for partners as well as ease the pressure from cash. In addition, according to Ministry of Construction, the Government should soon study to form housing savings fund to assist labors in their buying houses, pilot the model of realty trust investment fund as implemented in some other countries, creating more supply, beside credit institutes, for realty market.

Tightening real estate management

The proportion of filled apartments in new residential areas that will be put into practice is also investigated to details by Ministry of Construction. Accordingly, in 18 residential areas in Hanoi, the proportion of storey condos put into usage comes up to approximately 100 percent, followed by segments of side by side apartments with 80 percent, while the segment of condo only reaches 58 percent. The main reasons supposed by Ministry of Construction are incomprehensive technical and social infrastructure of these projects, difficulties in transport and movement while speculation and property reserve are still popular. Functional authorities haven’t worked out measures to investigate, fine investors of delayed-progress projects. etc

In order to completely diminish “application-approval” mechanism, Ministry of Construction demands localities to seriously observe regulations on choosing investors of business housing in form of project tender as regulated in Decree 71. Intensify implementation of macro management measures, land clearance; build technical infrastructure and then tender on right of using cleared land. The Government will chair the tender to ensure publicity, transparency and land rent to be submitted to the national budget etc.

Reported by Luong Tuan | VCCI News


Plan to sell government guest house raises concern 23 May 2011, 8:05 am

VNRE - The Ministry of Finance’s decision to allow the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to auction off the Government Guest House in Ho Chi Minh City to raise funds for other projects is making local residents and architects worry.

Under the plan, the HCMC People’s Committee will soon decide a starting price for investors to bid for the right to use the 3.5-ha guest house, located at No. 1 on Ly Thai To Street in District 10 or what is considered a “golden spot” in HCMC.

Despite the monetary benefit of selling the old French-style villa, many are worried lest it should be turned to trade centers or modern apartments and thus lose its historical and architectural values.

Architect Le Quang Ninh for instance said for whatever economic purpose it should serve, this villa, and several others like it throughout Saigon, reflects a great architectural style typical of pre-1975 Saigon and should thus be preserved.

Researcher Nguyen Dinh Dau agreed.

Dau said this villa lies within a group of green and low-rise landscapes including the Saigon Zoo, Le Duan Street, Reunification Palace, and the area from Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street to Ly Thai To Street that were built by the French to attract winds from the eastern seas to cool down the Sai Gon – Cho Lon residential areas.

Ninh suggests the best way to use this villa should be to turn it into a five-star restaurant for tourists.

By doing so, both monetary and architectural interests can be served, he said.

Nguyen Thanh Quy, a senior resident in Ward 1, District 10, said the government should not destroy old villas to build modern apartments.

“The old trees in these villas are like the city’s lungs,” Quy said. “If they are destroyed, billions of dongs can’t buy them back.”

Source: Tuoi Tre

City realty conference puts spotlight on entertainment projects 18 May 2011, 9:24 am

VNRE - The 2011 Vietnam International Real Estate Connection workshop, set for May 20 in Ho Chi Minh City, will focus on investment into entertainment, the organizers said.

The full-day conference will take place at the Rex Hotel with the theme “Modern Entertainment Investment Inspires the Next Development,” said Ms. Nguyen Xuan Tra Mi, general director of Great For Business Co.

The Ho Chi Minh City-based company and the Vietnam Real Estate Association co-organize the event, expected to see foreign guest speakers from international realty developers such as Forrec from Canada, Polin Waterparks & Pool Systems from Turkey, Singapore’s Sanderson Group, Leisure Entertainment Company Worldwide from the US, and India’s Premierworld Technology, according to the organizers.

Ms. Mi said that Vietnam’s Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the National Administration of Tourism considered the conference a major event in providing “practical support and consultancy for the entertainment industry.”

What are seen as highly potential projects in Vietnam will be introduced during the conference.

Among the participants will be Mr. Nguyen Tran Nam, Vice Minister of Construction, Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan, chief of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, and Mr. Nguyen The Hung, deputy director of the Foreign Investment Office for the South (Ministry of Planning and Investment).

A welcome dinner will be held at Hotel Liberty 6 in District 1 as the first connection between international experts and Vietnamese stakeholders, Ms. Mi added.

Reported by Tuong Thuy | SGGP


Norman Estates at Danang Beach Resort 18 May 2011, 9:10 am

VNRE - Norman Estates at Danang Beach Resort is an exclusive, gated "Community within a Community" that offers a sophisticated lifestyle environment with meticulous attention to detail and care for design.

These beautiful contemporary residences feature special touches such as floor-to-ceiling opening glass terrace doors, outdoor salas and living areas, plunge pools, generous terraces and balconies with an emphasis on entertaining and seamless indoor/outdoor living. Residents have access to the golf clubhouse, Rocksalt, the resort's walking and bike trails and also enjoy exclusive rights to use the Norman Estates private recreation club facilities including a swimming pool.

Designed by internationally acclaimed architects AW2, Norman Estates joins Greg Norman's international collection of residences in the United States, Middle East and Australia and is the first of its kind to be built in Asia.


Nestled within Danang Beach Resort, the largest and most highly regarded property development in Central Vietnam, Norman Estates is just 20 minutes away from Danang's CBD by car and within equally close proximity to the ancient town of Hoi An. Its prime location between the ocean and the spectacular Greg Norman-designed golf course makes Norman Estates one of the most sought after neighbourhoods in all of Vietnam.


Norman Estates features 33 contemporary villas, most of which feature breathtaking views of the ocean, the golf course or a beautiful water feature.

Discerning buyers have the opportunity to select from 4 thoughtfully designed floor plans that integrate the best of local culture with the latest architecture, technology and lifestyle features.


Private recreation club

Norman Estates residents enjoy the exclusive use of a private owner's-only recreation club, located within an easy walk of all Norman Estates villas in the centre of the community. The main building features a wet kitchen, office and reception area, library and games room, media room, and lockers and change rooms. Outside, a swimming pool oasis (including children's pool), outdoor BBQ and serving pavilion are beautifully framed by lush tropical landscaping. This unique amenity can only be accessed by Norman Estates owners and their invited guests and is the ideal venue for entertaining VIP's or simply relaxing with family and friends.

The RockSalt

The RockSalt, part of Danang Beach Resort, is an all new first-class facility for entertainment and leisure. Whether you are looking for a relaxing spa, working out in the state-of-the-art fitness center, lounging poolside, playing an invigorating game of tennis or BBQ-ing with your friends and family, the Club covers it all. Set to be the ultimate destination in the area for food, drinks and evening entertainment, the RockSalt is a place to meet your friends and family and enjoy fantastic resort-style amenities and services.

Danang Golf Club

Danang Golf Club offers members and guests a world-class golf course featuring natural hazards and some of Asia's most spectacular ocean views.

Recently voted one of the world's top 10 new golf courses, The Dunes Course, designed by golfing legend Greg Norman, offers 18 challenging holes alongside a pristine beachfront, with stunning panoramic views of The Cham Islands and Marble Mountains. The Dunes Course is now fully operational and welcoming true golf enthusiasts.

For further information, please contact:

Add: 17th Foor, Sun Wah Tower, 115 Nguyen Hue, District 1, HCMC
Tel: 84.8.3821 9930 - Fax: 84.8.3821 9932
Savills Hotline: 0947 906 999 - Email:

